About Me

Thanks for checking out my blog! Here's some info about me:

Name: Darcy

The gig: Peace Corps Community Health Agent

Country: Rwanda, Africa

Service dates: June 2013-Aug 2015

Motherland: New Jersey & Massachusetts, U.S.

How I got here: My journey to the Peace Corps was a bit discombobulated! I grew up in New Jersey, then graduated from Boston University with a degree in Film & Television back in 2007. For 1 year I worked as a freelance media production assistant on films and television shows shooting in the Boston area, then I got a full time job at the PBS program NOVA, where I worked as an editorial and post-production assistant for 3 years. I was doing a lot of volunteer work in my free time, so I decided in 2010 to apply for the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. I was offered a job as a team leader, and left Boston for the North Central U.S. where I led a group throughout Iowa, Ohio, North Dakota, and Michigan completing 11 months of service work in the areas of education, disaster recovery and environmental conservation. In 2012 I moved back to Boston and got a job as an administrative assistant with a non-profit called Education Development Center. They mostly work on federally-funded domestic and international education projects. After many years of consideration I decided to finally apply for the Peace Corps, and the next thing you know I'm going to Rwanda. Woot woot!


  1. Darcy - you are FEARLESS! I admire you for jumping into life, feet first! Let us know what we can send to you that is unavailable there.

  2. Thanks, Doreen! That is so sweet. I may take you up on this. haha Maybe I'll make a wish list once I get there :-)
